Retirement recognition and planning

CEMA members are eligible for a $200 monetary gift when they retire. To request this gift for yourself or on someone else’s behalf, please:

ARTA Benefits Package
The Alberta Retired Teachers Association (ARTA) has a comprehensive retirement benefits package to share with City of Edmonton employees. Whether you are long- or short-term planning for retirement, ARTA provides information on what a benefits package might look like for you after retirement. Visit the ARTA Welcomes CEMA webpage and review the Retiree Benefit Plan Presentation slides (pdf) from the February 2015 lunch and learn.

Join the Retired City of Edmonton Management Group

Want to keep in touch with your past management colleagues? Enjoy some camaraderie over lunch, then you can by joining the Retired City of Edmonton Management group.

No fees, just attend a luncheon held the second Wednesday of March, June, September and December. If interested in being added to the mailing list or you would like more information, please contact Roger Rosychuk at [email protected] or 780-465-4702.

© Copyright 2017. City of Edmonton Management Association (CEMA). All rights reserved.