CEMA Advocacy

The CEMA Board is actively involved in a number of initiatives to help facilitate strong and competitive compensation and benefits for its members.

As required, CEMA will provide input on benefits and report to members on progress. 
The CEMA Board represents the interests of CEMA members on the Long-term Disability Advisory Committee. The committee, which meets twice a year, provides input into the rates and administration of the City of Edmonton’s Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan. 

City of Edmonton employees’ pensions are under the jurisdiction of the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP), a contributory defined benefit pension plan for employees of local Alberta authorities including municipalities, health facilities, colleges, school boards and many other public sector organizations.

The CEMA Board takes careful note of any proposed changes or updates related to LAPP pensions and ensures members are kept informed and given opportunities for input as such opportunities arise.

Effective advocacy requires sound and respectful business relationships with key stakeholder groups and individuals. The CEMA Board works to maintain healthy, ongoing relationships with stakeholders including the City Manager, Employee Services, Occupational Health & Safety, City of Edmonton Executive Leadership Team (ELT), unions and LAPP administration.

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